Thursday, September 3, 2020

On the Film Zero Dark Thirty and Torture Essay Example for Free

On the Film Zero Dark Thirty and Torture Essay Zero Dark Thirty is a 2013 movie coordinated by grant winning executive Kathryn Bigelow, and is a portrayal about the various time-skips of how Maya (Jessica Chastain), another CIA enroll, beat the chances which prompted Osama Bin Laden’s extreme passing. â€Å"Our plane’s been commandeered. I trust I can have the option to see your face once more, child. I love you! Goodbye!† were lines from the genuine 9/11 sound film toward the start of the film and from that, I imagined that Zero Dark Thirty would be an inwardly contacting activity pressed film. On account of an energizing plot, I anticipated that it should be an exciting film yet it ended up being abominably repetitive. Set in the clamoring boulevards and the peril inclined zones of the Middle East, the set plan turned out to be generally compelling to the film, and it added to the viewer’s experience. Be that as it may, on the off chance that I hadn’t realized that the film was coordinated by Academy-Award victor, Kathryn Bigelow, I would have felt this was coordinated by an obscure executive. The part by-section time skirt really removed the plot from the film it got rough and immense. One second we see Ammar (Reda Kateb) being tormented, and afterward in the following screen, it’s out of nowhere two years after the fact. The main estimable activity scene in the film being Osama Bin Laden’s trap, the plot appeared to haul as we see a greater number of discussions and less activity than what we expected to see. The film banner likewise said that the essayist, Mark Boal, is an Academy grant winning screenwriter however it puzzles me how he really got the data about the happenings when CIA tasks should be undisclosed. For what reason would the scriptwriter simply name-drop destinations that were as far as anyone knows top-mystery, similar to the presence of Area 51? Subsequently, the believability of the occasions and places appear to be flawed. Besides, the surge of names of psychological oppressors in discussions was really befuddling and the conversations about circumstances in ISI were pointless. I needed to see scenes identified with discovering Abu Ahmed and eventually, Bin Laden. I needed activity, not discussions. In spite of the fact that the pacing was amazingly moderate, the cinematography during the shelling in the eatery Maya and Jennifer were eating at was splendid. The change was really amazing one second Jennifer was conversing with somebody via telephone, and afterward the following, the café was at that point in pieces and individuals were biting the dust. Maya’s articulation of unadulterated stun and dread was impeccably caught the camera. The altering of the film headed by William Goldenberg was practical, and the bombings were so erratic, I was astounded and terrified out of my seat. For the most part, the snare activity over the most recent 30 minutes of the film was so expertly shot it could leave behind as a genuine film. It’s the little minutes that make this film alive. After the call from Maya’s manager, expressing that today will be the trap, we witness the obligations of the â€Å"canaries† †the manner in which they messed about and bet, yet still paid special mind to one another. Watchers consistently have the feeling that warriors are beast men who might forfeit anything and anybody for their mo tivation, however this scene really gives the feeling that they’re men too who treasure the bonds they have. The main lighthearted element during the film was given by Dan’s mockery and character. Amusingly, this mentality consistently comes up during the probably appalling torment scenes which made it especially difficult for me to feel for Ammar (Reda Kateb). Another feature of his job was when Dan took care of the monkeys in a CIA site. I recollected the past scene when Ammar said that Dan was a creature, and as the monkeys took the frozen yogurt from Dan, I perceived how it was like their circumstance. Dan takes and takes from Ammar, yet in the long run, Ammar outwits him when he doesn’t give data. As I considered about the film subsequent to watching it, I think the motivation behind why it appeared to be so tasteless and dry is on the grounds that it did not have the activity that watchers are utilized to see in anecdotal CIA films. The very cool CIA battle and the shooting scenes where the CIA operator never gets shot weren’t present in the film. Rather, the film comprised of CIA agents who submit botches and at last get slaughtered, as (Jennifer Ehle); we meet cutthroat CIA specialists like Dan (Jason Clarke) who might torment a man unendingly to get the data he needs. We see unsexy Maya, a conventional looking lady who wears indistinguishable suits each day, who lost control by feelings after Jennifer’s demise and during her showdown with Joseph Bradley (Kyle Chandler), and who was nearly killed once with sights set on her life. The film was comprised of one-dimensional characters who got disappointed when they cannot do anything. I needed to know the characters all the more however there was zero character improvement. There werent even any scenes about Mayas past, similar to why and how was she enrolled out of secondary school? Did she ever connect with Jennifers family after her demise? This absence of character improvement and the vacancy of her outward appearances in the majority of her screen time made me wonder why Jessica Chastain is commended for her job in Zero Dark Thirty. I’ve as of late watched Les Miserables and if Jessica Chastain were to be designated in a similar class as Anne Hathaway for an Oscar, at that point Chastain could simply say that she imagined a fantasy about winning an Oscar. I won’t state that she didn't merit her Golden Globe grant, yet I never thought she’d be selected for it either. Her depiction as the furious youthful Bin Laden-fixated CIA operator wa s so cliché she began as the apprehensive, off-kilter new CIA employable and afterward at last turned into the â€Å"motherfucker,† as she puts it, who discovered Bin Laden’s area. Maya consistently had this dull face, as though making a decent attempt to catch a CIA agent’s manner. Indeed, I just started to identify with Maya upon the passing of Jennifer. Her perpetual quest for Bin Laden turned out to be progressively close to home starting here, demonstrating that nothing persuades like vengeance. I believe that the scene where Maya shook her head and afterward cried really closes the plot well since it gave her human side and the drive that has been pushing her from the start. She cites in a single scene that her companions got executed due to the chase and she accepts that she has been saved which is as it should be. This offers equity to her feelings at long last, where she at long last separates as the acknowledgment that she has contacted her objective after right around 10 years yet the companions she had made en route were at that point gone. She is not, at this point the new, abnormal CIA enlist, rather, Maya has become the CIA usable who turn ed to all methods conceivable to bring down Osama Bin Laden. With the techniques that the movie’s characters rehearsed, there has been a lot of hypothesis whether the film is genius torment or not. The chief and the essayist of the film introduced these â€Å"enhanced cross examination techniques† as a piece of the interest. So for me, it’s not an ace torment film but rather simultaneously, it’s not hostile to torment either. In the event that Zero Dark Thirty were expert torment, at that point the watchers ought to have perceived how Ammar gave data in the wake of being tormented, however he didn't. Rather we see that the key piece to the riddle for discovering Bin Laden was really served to Dan and Maya over lunch, not during torment time. Also, on the off chance that the film were against torment, at that point there shouldn’t have been any torment scenes in the film leaving Reda Kateb, who played Ammar, with zero ability expense. The film indicated that Maya was persuaded that the area of Bin Laden’s dispatch, Abu Ahmed, is significant to the interest not on the grounds that there was data uncovered during the torment meetings, rather, ità ¢â‚¬â„¢s the detainees’ refusal to surrender any data about the messenger that draws an obvious conclusion for Maya. Along these lines, the film delineates various, though questionable, rehearses utilized in America’s interest for Osama Bin Laden. It shows that tormenting Jihad-driven prisoners or purchasing a man a Lamborghini as pay off weren’t a definitive keys for tackling the riddle that prompted Bin Laden. No single strategy can consummately embody the entirety of the endeavors of the individuals behind the manhunt for Bin Laden. The totality of their difficult work and enthusiasm was what the producers strived to share, so for me, the film isn’t raising any thoughts on being expert or against these techniques. Zero Dark Thirty transfers the way that we track various ways in existence with an incredible number of penances en route. In spite of the fact that this film doesn’t satisfy its slogan â€Å"The Greatest Manhunt in History,† is as yet an ideal case of humanity’s venture towards his objectives. Americans would keep on safeguarding their seat of intensity, while the Muslims would keep on effectively arrive at Jihad. I needed to be awed by this film and I needed to feel the characters feelings, yet the film gave me not one or the other. The absence of feeling in Zero Dark Thirty makes me believe that the financial plan for this ought to have been apportioned to a film with an alternate point of view, similar to a narrative, and not as a film with on-screen characters and entertainers assuming jobs they neglect to offer shading to.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Changes in Leadership and CEO Succession slp Assignment

Changes in Leadership and CEO Succession slp - Assignment Example It had all turned out to be well overall and everyone was utilized to the status quo being run throughout the previous twenty years. This was additionally conceivable on the grounds that the organization had been just assembling one item. With time, be that as it may, the organization stretched into different items and the organization developed greater putting a strain on the fund office to perform the two jobs of human asset and account as it had consistently done. Pressures began among offices and the fund office because of postponements in preparing as the division was understaffed. There were delays in flexibly obtainment, staff demands and other general work prerequisites. Looking back, these issues could have been tackled agreeably through adding more staff to the office and doling out the various obligations to singular people in the office. Sadly, the fund office as a unit took the numerous protests against it as a hard and fast war set out to ruin the division when the issu e was raised at a general workforce gathering. The fund office grew wild antagonistic vibe towards the various offices in the organization. The senior administration of the organization put the account executive on a six-month necessary leave pending examinations. He wouldn't agree to the choice and detailed as regular to the workplace declining to hand over anything. His agreement was ended and, the division was separated into two offices. This was the human asset and money offices with two new troughs to drove them. Almost everyone was content with the management’s choice to evacuate the money executive. In any case, there was a great deal of disarray and a lot of emergencies that encompassed that activity. It would have turned out to be better for the administration on the off chance that they had worked out the progressions required in the organization after the Lewin’s model of hierarchical change and change (Lippitt, 1958). The organization would have had the opportunity to gauge the experts and

Friday, August 21, 2020

Crazy Horse Electric Game Essay Example For Students

Insane Horse Electric Game Essay The story starts of while they are playing their first ball game of theseason against the Crazy Horse Electrics. They choose to place brew in theopposition groups water bottles as a trick, with the goal that they could win. After thatWillie chooses to go angling with his father. They have profound discussions, andthey begin discussing why Willies mother doesn't angle like she utilized as well. Thenthey get into discussing Missy, Willies younger sibling who kicked the bucket of SIDS(Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). After that the book cuts into another baseballgame, they are playing against the Crazy Horse Electrics. Sal, a major person on theCrazy Horse, and Johnny get into a verbal contention, and afterward Johnny sayssomething individual about him and he twisted up and decked Johnny one. They breakit up and proceed with the game. When Willie was going to pitch he looses hisbalance and Sal hits a decent pitch. At that point out of nothing but karma and ability, Williestretches himself out and denies Sal of a definite triple. Willie turns into a minorlegend. On their route home from school Jenny and Willie connect. At that point on theweekend, Jenny, Johnny, Willie and his family choose to go to the lake. Willieand Jenny put everything out on the table for a cookout when Johnny is out skiing. Creeps momcomplains about him failing to be sufficiently protected. Next it is Willies turn towater-ski. As Willie was doing a 360? turn, he got the tips of his skisunder the water and he smashed. Creeps father was in stun, Jenny needed to giveWillie mouth to mouth, and spare his life. The left the vessel, got into thevehicle, and headed to the medical clinic. Willie winds up with a discourse obstruction, andproblems strolling. He winds up doing insane things, similar to corrosive, and drinking. Hetalks to an advisor whom he truly prefers. Willie wouldn't like to go into aSpecial Ed class that the school is alluding him to. He feels miserable, andeven desirous of his better half for her games. He attempts to play racquetball,but his father gets baffled with him. That night he hears his folks arguingover him. He hears his father say that he figures it would have been simpler ifWillie had passed on in the mishap. From that point he speculates Jenny and Petey ofgetting together, and discovers that they are. Willie blows a gasket on Petey whenhe excursions of Willies stick, and afterward Petey unexpectedly gives all of theattention to Willie. Willie concludes that night that he is going to out of control. He goes to the bank, and tells the teller that he is going to purchase a VCR,then he goes to the transport terminal. He begins on the transport with no lament, and noguilt. He shows up in Oakland, and needs to take a transport move from that point to getto the transport that will take him to San Francisco. On his way to the transport he meets agang called the Jo Boys. They attempt to take his cash, however when the transport came hejumped directly on it t o escape. They jump on the transport as well. He converses with the busdriver, and the transport driver says that he will attempt to slow down the group, yet thatsabout everything he can do. So he attempts to flee as quick as possible with hishandicap, and they make up for lost time, beat him up, and take every one of the 400 dollars fromWillie. Willie drops. At the point when he awakens, there is the transport driver. He helpshim up, at that point takes him to a café where he consents to let Willie stay thenight, and ONLY the night. Willie winds up remaining for good, under the agreementthat he will tidy up, and avoid Laceys (The transport driver) way. Williefinds out when Lacey says Human Relations Management, that he is a pimp. Thenext day Lacey and Willie go to take a gander at the school. Willie goes in while Lacystays in the vehicle. It is a non-public school, and the proprietor, Andr?, offers freetuition as long as Willie will help keep it clean. Andr? clarifies that thescho ol is for individuals who have any debilitations, physical incapacities, or thingsthat cause them to have learning issues. So Willie acknowledges and is getting atour, when a tall awkward light child, named Jack comes up and begins repeatingover and once more, This school is a chicken-*censored* rip-off. .uc3725aa93a6407f63e993cce99384b5f , .uc3725aa93a6407f63e993cce99384b5f .postImageUrl , .uc3725aa93a6407f63e993cce99384b5f .focused content region { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .uc3725aa93a6407f63e993cce99384b5f , .uc3725aa93a6407f63e993cce99384b5f:hover , .uc3725aa93a6407f63e993cce99384b5f:visited , .uc3725aa93a6407f63e993cce99384b5f:active { border:0!important; } .uc3725aa93a6407f63e993cce99384b5f .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .uc3725aa93a6407f63e993cce99384b5f { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; progress: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .uc3725aa93a6407f63e993cce99384b5f:active , .uc3725aa93a6407f63e993cce99384b5f:hover { mistiness: 1; progress: murkiness 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .uc3725aa93a6407f63e993cce99384b5f .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: re lative; } .uc3725aa93a6407f63e993cce99384b5f .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content improvement: underline; } .uc3725aa93a6407f63e993cce99384b5f .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .uc3725aa93a6407f63e993cce99384b5f .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content enhancement: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc3725aa93a6407f63e993cce99384b5f:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } . uc3725aa93a6407f63e993cce99384b5f .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .uc3725aa93a6407f63e993cce99384b5f-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .uc3725aa93a6407f63e993cce99384b5f:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Comment On An Experience In Your Life That Had An Essay At long last Andr? quiets him down, and they finish the visit. After a couple days,Willie starts to really attempt to be ordinary once more. Despite the fact that he is moderate, Jack askedhim to play a round of ball. They went to a deserted court, and began agame. This was when Jack began to consider himself the Telephone Man. Individuals begin to watch the game, and Willie begins to get anxious. At long last thegame closures, and Willie goes into the workplace with the Phys Ed instructor, Lisa. Sheasks him on the off chance that he needs some assistance with gaining power back. He says that hedoesnt have any cash, however he discovers she is doing it for a college paper. So they start with figuring out how to locate his middle. Willie remains in Laceysapartment and works on moving to some terrible music. He is figuring out how toplace one foot before the other with applying a similar measure of pressureon the two sides. Out of nowhere Lacey gets back home with a young lady from Willies school,Angel. Lacey is amazingly smashed, and has the young lady around the waste. Williefigured it out. She was a prostitute. Willie goes to awful, and afterward awakens toscreaming. He runs into Laceys space to discover him beating Angel. He takes hiscane, and pounds it across Lacey until Lacey is completely cold. At that point Angle runsand calls the rescue vehicle, and gets frantic at Willie. She reveals to Willie that whenLacey awakens he is going to slaughter Willie. So the following day Willie goes to thehospital. Andr? had offered for Willie to remain in the cellar of the school ifhe required excessively a short time back. Willie went in there, and he saw Lacey . Atfirst Lacey was annoyed, however when Willie said that he would move, Lacey askedhim to remain. Later on Willie was rehearsing ball once more. He was doing it alot. Andr? saw him and said that he was beginning to resemble a player. Willierebounds the commendation to Lisa, on the grounds that she was the person who was helping him somuch. Andr? asked him for what good reason he doesnt spend time with the children. Willie repliedthat he doesnt take drugs. Andr? gets somewhat furious and says that that is notthe best way to get into the school. They play somewhat more, and Willie saysthat he will attempt to make companions. Soon thereafter, after Willie finishedpolishing Laceys vehicle, Willie gets a call. It is Laceys ex, and shetold him to disclose to Lacey that his child is as yet spoiling ceaselessly. Will chooses to relaythe message just to your ex called. Willie had never pried intoLaceys individual life, however when Lacey got back home, he read the message. ThenWillie and L acey get into his vehicle, and drive down to an old office. When theylook in they see Laceys child, gazing into daze air, harmed for all time. Laceyhad manhandled him when he was more youthful. Lacey revealed to Willie that Then Willie asks ifthat was the explanation that Lacey took him in was to compensate for what happened tohis child. The following day at school, Lisa advised Willie to approach Lacey for a hundred andforty dollars, for an uncommon course. She said to disclose to Lacey that all thestudents were taking it, and Willie was getting it. So Lacey gave him themoney, and the following morning Lisa got Willie, and they went to an exercise center towork out, at that point Willie got acquainted with Sammy, who was Lisasboyfriend. He instructed Willie how to secure himself, and to utilize hisset-backs as a preferred position. Later on, Willie saw Angel, and he askedher on the off chance that she was all the while working for Lacey. She said that she despite everything was. He advised herthat he had conversed with Lacey, and he said he would vow to reveal to her that shecould go. He had advised her, however she didnt need to surrender it. It was the onlyway that she could get cash, and she had been assaulted when she was more youthful. .u732c72fa50f832006da8628ba14757c8 , .u732c72fa50f832006da8628ba14757c8 .postImageUrl , .u732c7

Monday, June 15, 2020

Hospice Essay - 275 Words

Hospice (Essay Sample) Content: HospiceAuthorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s NameUniversity AffiliationHospiceHospice is coined from the Latin word "hospis," which means host and guest. The term is the root of other words such as hospitality, hospital, and hospice. Prior publications fail to report on the origin of hospice, but recent literatures suggest that "safe houses" in biblical times, which housed travelers, is evidence of the modern notion of the same. The concept of hospice as known today came into the limelight after Fabiola, a member of the Roman ruling class, provided care and relief to the unwell and dying. In this context, the main functions of the hospice are to provide care to the sick, poor, and the aging (Simms, 2014).VITAS Healthcare has been a pioneer in the provision of hospice services since the year 1978. Just like other hospice facilities, VITAS focuses on adult and pediatric patients, who may be suffering from cancer, stroke, AIDS, kidney, lung and liver diseases among other life-limiting dise ases (VITAS Healthcare, n.d). Therefore, to navigate the stages successfully, I recognize the important role played by VITAS hospice considering the care programs offered in respect to the terminally ill. On the other hand, aging is an inevitable process, for my family, others, and me and eventually, will reach a climax, which is the dying stage (HPNA, 2002). Aging brings about health care complications, and family members cannot offer adequate care for their aging members.Therefore, hospice comes in and offers care to the aging, whom I perceive are the most and well suited beneficiaries of hospice (HPNA, 2002). Lack of knowledge from both the providers and the patients is a barrier to effective...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Machismo in Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel...

Characters are made to present certain ideas that the author believes in. In Gabriel Garcà ­a Mà ¡rquez’s Chronicle of a Death Foretold there are many characters included that range from bold, boisterous characters to minuscule, quiet characters but one thing they all have in common is that they all represent ideas. Characters in the novel convey aspects of Marquez’s Colombian culture. The machismo expected of Latino men is exemplified by Santiago Nasar. Machismo men as stereotypically thought of as strong, rich, loud, and as womanizers. They are often associated with violence. Nasar would be a prime example of this because in his closet he has a â€Å"Mannlicher Schoenauer, 30-.06 rifle, a .300 Holland Holland Magnum rifle, a .22 Hornet with a†¦show more content†¦In the book the setting is in a small town in Colombia where men like Santiago are expected to be machismo. As a woman, Angela Vicario is the epitome of a traditional Colombian woman. A tradition al Colombian woman is expected to be virgins when they get married; but Vicario defys this social custom causing Vicario to get â€Å"softly pushed his wife into [her house] without speaking,† (46). These details emphasize the idea that women are given different standards than men. The details help highlight Marquez’s criticism of how the traditional Colombian woman is treated as and thought of as. From a very young age Vicario and her sisters were taught â€Å"how to do screen embroidery, sew by machine, weave bone lace, wash and iron, make artificial flowers and fancy candy, and write engagement announcements,† (31). These skills were taught to better prepare the girls for marriage; displaying the difference in gender roles. Marquez uses parallel structure to emphasize the amount of skills one has to learn before they can be considered as good and pure. Many years after Bayardo San Romà ¡n returns Vicario she still does â€Å"machine embroidery with her fri ends just as before she had made cloth tulips and paper birds, but when her mother went to bed she would stay in her room until dawn writing letters with no future,† (93). The diction of the words â€Å"no future† and â€Å"still† suggest that Vicario’s life is stuck inShow MoreRelatedChronicle Of A Death Foretold Analysis794 Words   |  4 PagesThe Irreplaceable Loss of Honor in Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s novel Chronicle of a Death Foretold In the novel Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, two of the main characters, Pablo and Pedro Vicario, committed a murder based on allegations presented by their sister Angela Vicario. Throughout the novel, the townspeople try to justify the brothers’ actions as a mechanism to restore their sister’s honor. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

What Would Beowulf Do How Beowulf Is a Christ-Like Figure...

The contemplative question of â€Å"What would Jesus do?† has become a popular pragmatism in society today. There is an unwritten rule or sense of morality by which a properly functioning civilization may live. However, what method did early Anglo-Saxons use to remind themselves of what would be the proper thing to do in a situation? Even though they were a violent and warmongering culture as a whole, geared toward waging and winning war, they did have a moral code to honor. Anglo-Saxons prized the values, which they would have been learned by rote since childhood, including: courage and selflessness, honor, discipline and duty, hospitality, self-reliance, and perseverance. These principles of character are some of the main mores clearly†¦show more content†¦The characteristic of an unmitigated wickedness-- a ubiquitous evil presence which common man cannot easily see, but is eventually consumed by-- is clear in both accounts; in Beowulf’s case, he grapples wit h Grendel and defeats him by tearing his arm off, in Christ’s struggle against evil, He spiritually wrestles Satan during His forty days and forty nights in the desert where he fasted, prayed, and eventually conquered Lucifer by resisting temptation. â€Å"I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is over.† Aristotle’s words embody the true difficulty Christ endured in first conquering Himself in order to be victorious over the Devil. Another indication of Beowulf and Christ’s similar nature is that both maintained loyal disciples, Beowulf, his fourteen thanes, and Christ, his twelve apostles. 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Entrepreneurship and Family Business

Question: Discuss about theEntrepreneurship and Family Business. Answer: Introduction Different types of business exist in the world. Some of the businesses are run by a single owner, double owners or by family business. At some part of the world, the family businesses are not being successful, whole in some part of the world, the family businesses were not able to perform as per the requirement of the market (Mohan, 2016). UAE has been a place that saw a tremendous growth among the family business (Ezziane, Mazzawi Leleux, 2013). The essay will look into the challenges and the advantages faced by the family businesses operating in the UAE it will look into the contribution of the family business for the economic growth of the country. Finally, the future of the family businesses will evaluated at the end. Issues Faced by the Family Businesses Even though the position of the family business is quite healthy in the market of UAE, the sector faces certain issues (Khazaeli Barrett, 2014). They cannot separate the ownership or the management, the owner has to handle it all. If the next generation were not capable enough to carry forward the business, the owner of the family business would face issues regarding the continuity of the business in the future (Shahid, Bodolica Spraggon, 2014). As the family members will be present in many important positions, it might give rise to issues related to professionalism. The roles and responsibilities might not be divided equally among family members. The business might get concentrated in one of the geographic locations. In addition to this, the number of employers would not grow and hence, there will be no de-risking plans (Martin Terc, 2016). The financial risk will be more because of the weak pension plans. The next generation of the family might not be interested in business. As a result, there will be issues with the succession of the business. Opportunities Faced by the Family Businesses When on one hand, the family succession in UAE are facing issues, there are better part of the business as well (Tipu Ryan, 2016). The decision-making process is quicker and lesser amount of fund will be utilized for making the decisions in the organization (Ibrahim Al Marri, 2015). In addition to this, there will be better trust among the employees in the organization and they will have shared vision (Bahrami, 2014). There will be flexibility among the members of the group (Martin Terc, 2016). When the company will be working with the family, the employees will be always ready to help the company (Tipu Ryan, 2016). The family businesses in UAE are performing well when compared with other parts of the world (Ibrahim Al Marri, 2015). A survey that has been carried out by PWC shows that the 79 percent of the families in the UAE experienced sales growth as compared to the 65 percent of the sales growth that has happened in the family businesses in other parts of the world (Khazaeli Barrett, 2014). Contribution of Family Businesses for Economic Growth Family businesses are an important part of the economic growth in the UAE. Family business have made their presence felt in a number of sectors like manufacturing sectors, retail, automotive, real estate and fashion. One of the studies has shown that family business take up to 90 percent of the business community in the UAE and their contribution is about 75-90 percent of the $500 billion trading activity (Mohan, 2016). They have more than $2 trillion of global wealth and family businesses have the capacity of employing more than 17 million employees in their companies. The DIFC Chief Economist, Nasser Said supported the fact by saying that the families hold the two-thirds of the boards of UAE and there is more than one family member in the boards. Analysis of Family Businesses in UAE The owner of a family business talked about the issues that they are facing while running a business. The director of Al Fardan Group, Osama Al Rahma spoke at the Family Business Forum of the Internal Audit Festival on his experience on family business (Ezziane, Mazzawi Leleux, 2013). According to him, the family businesses in the UAE are being able to survive mainly because they are facing a lack of governance. The Head of Corporate at Hadef and Partners in the UAE, Sameer Huda feels that the conditions of family business in UAE are no different from the rest of the world. We on one hand, some of the family businesses have been successful, while on the other hand, some could not have been able to go more than the second generation. The factors that should have helped the company to survive in the market are proper organizational governance, corporate planning, succession planning and corporate governance. A study evaluated forty-four businesses in the UAE, Palestinian Territories, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman,Lebanon and Jordan in spite of the recent improvements in the business operations, the businesses were facing issues with governance and succession for the business (Shahid, Bodolica Spraggon, 2014). Conclusions After going the scenario of the UAE and the conditions of the family business, it can be said that family business will prove fruitful for the economic growth of the country. The family businesses have advantages as well as issues. The people who are running the family businesses are suffering from problem with governance and issues with succession. The maximum time that the business is running is until the third generation. Some of the advantages that are faced by the organization are that they will get flexibility in the business and better relationship among the members. As the family is into the business, they will understand the problem and work accordingly. In spite of the difficulties faced by the family business, they are able to contribute for the economic growth of the country. Recommendations It can be recommended that the young people who are in the verge of entering the professional field should be taught about the importance of entrepreneurship. Once they will get to know the benefits that they can get from running a business of their own, they will be able to carry on the family business. References Bahrami, S. (2014). Entrepreneurship intentions and perceptions in the UAE: A study of moderating effects of gender, culture and family.International Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Research,2(4), 37-50. Ezziane, Z., Mazzawi, E., Leleux, B. (2013). Entrepreneurship in family business: emerging storyline 2.International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance,4(3), 164. Ibrahim, M. E., Al Marri, A. (2015). Role of gender and organizational support in work-family conflict for accountants in UAE.International Journal of Commerce and Management,25(2), 157-172. Khazaeli, M., Barrett, M. (2014). Case study: the al-Awadhi brothers: the story of two Emirati entrepreneurs.Governance in Immigrant Family Businesses: Enterprise, Ethnicity and Family Dynamics, 10. Martin, W., Terc, M. (2016, January). Family Business and Islamic Business Ethics. InUnited States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship. Conference Proceedings(p. FU1). United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship. Mohan, D. (2016).Transforming UAE Family Businesses(1st ed.). Browne and Mohan. Shahid, A., Bodolica, V., Spraggon, M. (2014). Zayed Al Hussaini Group: The road ahead for the family business in the UAE.Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies,4(1), 1-23. Tipu, S. A. A., Ryan, J. C. (2016). Predicting entrepreneurial intentions from work values: Implications for stimulating entrepreneurship in UAE national youth.Management Decision,54(3), 610-629.